Dr. Helen Grech, President of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrica, presents Dr Li Hsieh with a gift for the API Caucus.

Attendees of the API Caucus meeting at the 2015 ASHA Convention in Denver, Colorado.

Dr. Masae Shiroma of the International University of Health and Welfare, Japan, presenting on current academic and clinical training models in Speech and Hearing Sciences in Japan.

Dr. Alice Smith, one the first SLPs to provide clinical services and academic training in Cambodia, presents on her work in he country over the last 15+ years.

Dr Li Hsieh of Wayne State University and Chair of the API Caucus from 2000-2015 leading the caucus meeting at the 2015 ASHA Convention in Denver, Colorado.

Sidrich Chhour, a senior at California State University at Fullerton, presents on his experiences volunteering in Cambodia (2015 ASHA Convention)