Co-President | Hsinhuei Sheen Chiou, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Dr. Chiou is a professor in the Department of Speech, Hearing and Rehabilitation Services at Minnesota State University, Mankato. She teaches courses in adult neurogenic disorders including aphasia and acquired cognitive disorders, runs language and cognitive rehabilitation research and creates meaningful engagements for people with dementia and their care partners. She hopes to serve speech-language-hearing professionals in the diverse API community.

Co-President | Lei Sun, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Lei is an Associate Professor in the Department of Speech-Language Pathology at California State University Long Beach. Her professional interests are preschool and school-age language development and disorders, parent training/coaching, and discourse analysis. She hopes to serve the API caucus members and community by ensuring our voice is heard and providing continuous support to API professionals and students.

Vice-President | Nadhiya Ito, M.A., CCC-SLP
Nadhiya is the Clinical Supervisor and a Speech-Language Pathologist at Los Angeles Speech and Language Therapy Center in Culver City, CA. She became a member of API caucus as an undergraduate student in 2002 and has served as a Secretary in the past. Her clinical interest includes Autism Spectrum Disorders, Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Early Intervention and Bilingualism/Multiculturalism. Nadhiya is a native speaker of Japanese, who also has proficiency in Tamil (Sri Lankan dialect), Signed Exact English (SEE) and American Sign Language (ASL).

Treasure | Yu-Wen Chen, Ph.D., RYT-200
Yu-Wen is a clinical fellow at Providence Portland Medical Center. She received her Ph.D. in Speech-Language Pathology from the University of Minnesota, with a minor in Clinical Physiology and Movement Science, and completed her clinical training in the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences at Portland State University. Her clinical and research interests include sensorimotor integration, motor speech control, voice, swallowing, and breathing in healthy and clinical populations. She has published and presented studies examining sensory impairment in dysphonia and dysarthria. Her goal is to integrate her research expertise and her newly acquired clinical skills in her career.

Secretary | Timothy Huang, M.S. CCC-SLP
Timothy is a Ph.D. student in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences at the University of Minnesota. Prior to pursuing his doctoral degree, he worked as a Speech-Language Pathologist for Edina Public Schools and Yinghua Academy, a Chinese-immersion school in northeast Minneapolis. His research focuses on child language, social communication, and autism spectrum disorder. Timothy is currently investigating comprehension of indirect answers in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. His long-term research goal is to develop efficacious interventions that can help this population participate fully in social settings and build intimate relationships with their friends and family.

Outreach, PR, & Media Coordinator | Siena Xiaole Sun, Ph.D.
Xiaole is a current graduate student in the Speech Language Hearing program at Temple University and an adjunct professor at Wayne State University. She earned her linguistics Ph.D. from University at Buffalo. Her research interest focuses on cross-linguistic perception and multimodal communication. She is bilingual in Mandarin Chinese and English.

Former President | Betty Yu, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Betty is an Associate Professor in the Communicative Disorders Program at San Francisco State University. Her research focuses on heritage language transmission and bilingual development in children with autism spectrum disorders in minority-language, in particular, Chinese-speaking, families. She hopes to continue building community and mutual support among API professionals and those serving API communities in order to increase access to and the quality of speech-language and hearing services for individuals in API communities.

Former President | Li Hsieh, Ph.D.
Li was the Chair of the API Caucus and a member of the ASHA Multicultural Issues Board from 2013-2016. She is an Associate Professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department in Wayne State University. Her research focuses on the cognitive and neural networks of speech and prosody processing and different contexts, including cross-linguistically. Under Li’s leadership, the API Caucus has grown significantly and has been working steadily towards a well articulated strategic plan.

API Caucus Advisory Board Members
Lily Cheng, Li Hsieh, Greta Tan, Kenneth Tom, Ying-Chiao Tsao, Betty Yu, Elizabeth Chafcouloff, Teresa Girolamo